Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Lord of the Rings and Patrick

Here's Patrick at his gymnastics training, it was an article in a Hungarian tabloid newspaper two days ago. The reason is that his trainer happens to be a famous world champion, so the title reads " Lord of the Rings is training mini olympic champions". Two bigger girls came up to Patrick at school yesterday, showed him the clipping, and asked: "Is that you?" He's famous already, what do you say??!

Grape Picking

Lat weekend on Saturday we left early for some vineyards nearby to go grape-picking. We were told rubber boots were the best things to wear, and sure enough the ground was muddy just from the dew. It was hard work, but we all enjoyed it, and it surely was a memorable experience. It had a well organised routine: picking, grabbing buckets, filling the container, and talking in the meantime. We had beautiful sunny weather, and our jumpers came off soon. Afterwards, the kids found a massive hay bale, and with the help of teenagers they were able to climb it.

The Girl and our Week

Here she is, after a two-hour training, stretching and swimming. They had to take ID pictures for some sports ID she's getting so she can take part in competitions, so one of the mums came and took shots of them at the pool, after they dried their hair. I think she's the sweetest little angel girl that God gave us to treasure and help grow big, a flower just beginning to bud.

I also wanted to give you all an outline of what it means to be "soccer mum". Monday Bella'g got swimming from 5 to 7 pm, Kevin has football (soccer for some) from 4 to 5pm, and Patrick's free. Tuesday, on the other hand is Patrick's busiest day. He's got folk dancing at school, and so does Bella, they come home at 3:30, music school is at 4 for Patrick, 4:45 for Bella and 5 for Kevin. At the same time Patrick has gymnastics from 5 to 6 pm.This is when logistics become difficult, and it is lucky Kimo's here to take part. Wednesday it's only swimming for Bella from 6 to 8 pm, and we try and go to our regular English club in the evening. Thursday is Bella's day off, Patrick has gymnastics and Kevin has football. Friday all children go to the music school again. It was actually quite lucky that all three of them happened to be scheduled on the same days for music, and the fact that we live practically next door to the music school also helps a lot. So this is what we do during the week. No wonder weeks just seem to fly by us, but as they say, it keeps us out of mischief. :)

Friday, September 21, 2007

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Veitsch Highland Games on 15 Sept

We drove over to Styria today to catch the last Highland Games of the year.

Veitsch Highland Games

The egg catching did not work for everyone...


Highland Games in Veitsch

The kids really enjoyed practicing with the caber today at the Highland Games in Veitsch...

Friday, September 14, 2007

Target practice

Kevin outfitted

Kevin is ready to go to the Highland Games in Austria tomorrow...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Patrick loses his third tooth today, and becomes the first of the Logan children to have one removed by the special door-string method...

He's got another one loose there in the front, so all he wants for Xmas is his two front teeth!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Sailing on Lake Ferto

We went sailing on the Lake with a friend of mine on 26 August.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Back to school

Well, it's here. Unbelievable as it is, Patrick has began his studies today. I asked him on the way out "What was the best thing that happened today?" He said: "That I got HOMEWORK to do!" Only a first-grader can say that.:) Bella was very surprised how much all her classmates have grown over the summer (she doesn't notice growing herself).