Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Boys looking Russian

I reckon they have a right to look Russian, being 1/4 Russian as they are...

Bella before folk-dancing performance

Bella was dancing at a charity event with her folk-dancing group

Aikido suit

Dressing sharp to throw other people


Our local Santa Claus from last week...

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Kevin, the boxer

One of the last pictures of him before he got a haircut yesterday.

Through the looking glass

Actually, it's looking through the glass on front door...

This ol' house some more

Well, long since done, here's another view of progress on the attic insulation. It works too, the living room is much warmer now.

Take what you get

With snow and Central Europe these days, you pretty much gotta take what you get and get out and use when it's there. This was the first snow of the season back in November sometime, and we seized the opportunity to go sledding (more like offroad sledding) with Richard's son, Max.

More problems with being Sam

Sam is having a rough time these days, with a few trips to the cat doc for more than just usual servicing. Seems he got a cut on his leg that has become infected, so he's been not feeling so well this last week. We got him on medicine yesterday and all involved are looking forward to him getting back on his feet again soon. Or paws, as the case may be.
Of course, once he gets done getting back, it will be back to the sheer hard work of being Sam again.
In this picture, we have a fine example of how difficult it is to stay clean when you're Sam.