Well, hello there! I suppose instead of writing mass-emails to dozens of friends spread out over the Globe, this is a good way of communication. I feel it is a bit impersonal, though. As though one was writing a diary not for oneself, but for the sake of others...
Let's see how it develops.
Today, the Monday six weeks before Christmas break, we went back to school after a week of autumn break. It was good but not restful, really. Patrick, our middle child had his sixth birthday on Halloween, which included cake and friends (naturally), but this year also, we all went out "Trick-or-treating" Can you imagine a peaceful Hungarian town taken over by 12 loud and spooky children all dressed up in costumes, led by a witch, and man with a big red beard?! We sure made quite a sight even in the dark.
Then we had visitors in various numbers, ages and on different days, and that was fun, as well, but meant going to bed late, and not getting nearly enough sleep or work that had been planned done. In the meantime we also went from having lovely late summer like warm weather to cold november rain, and even snow on Saturday. This put me in a frantic "look for those winter jackets, bibs, etc" mode, but by today it's back to lovely sunshine. But at least I got all the winter-summer clothes of the children rearranged, sorted, given to charity today.
And the biggest news of the whole day is that I had my first Russian lesson I can almost say ever. I had only done my teaching practice, haven't had a real lesson for money before. It was a totally new experience. Teaching Russian as a foreign language. I kept slipping into saying things like, "It's a rule in English pronunciation" ooops! Takes some getting used to, I guess. In any case it was lots of fun, and a learning experience as well.
Right. I think it is time to sign off, and I can't wait to hear some comments, or whatever they call the replies here.. M
well done MARINA!! :-) it's really fun! ..as you see.. I will be reading it still in the dark "at dawn".. It's a good way to wake up before the kids laughing and to make their porridge and hot chocolate in a good mood!! ..so keep writing!! :-))
d. :-)
Tényleg nagyon jó, csak egyenlőre nem értem a felét sem... de majd csak lesz erre is időm :( A gyerekeid nagyon-nagyon szépek! Sok-sok fotót tegyetek fel! máris hiányoztok! Arykán
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