Monday, December 03, 2007

Early Christmas Party

Also a traditional happening in our family since we came to Sopron, is the Language school company Christmas party. This year we decided to do it early, so all women have the other weekends to get ready for their own family Christmas. What this means is at 10 am cca 15 ladies show up (Kimo usually moves to the back and pretends to be working), and we start cooking lunch together. Our boss thinks up the menu and brings all the food, and everyone's expected to bring some home-made desserts. One year we also had two guys, but male language teachers are hard to find.

A very special event at this party is the "cheesy raffle". What it means is that everyone is supposed to bring a useless horrible object, and then we draw the names from a hat, and you go home with something other than what you brought. Moreover we vote for the MOST terrible object. This year the winner was a pair of hand-made earrings, which our colleague made especially for the occasion. It was a loop with a large feather, a small golden ball, and a soft red angel dangling on it. Truly a winner! This is the event that the children are always so excited about, and they usually offer McDonald's toys, but one time the lollipop-turning machine was what they gave, and it almost won the prize.

Anyway, we had a good time, and had a huge lunch, and by 4 pm, all the dishes were done, too. In the evening, Kimo and I went to a concert, a band called Prakker was palying, they're the Sopron band from the sixties. Good music, dancing, but not nearly enough sleep is what we got...

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