Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Preparing for Carnival / Puzzle


It is the season again for balls and festivities. Children make masks and wear costumes, have parties at school... Kevin went to a workshop at the school where he'll be going to from September. Yesterday we also went to an open house, watched the teachers in action, he got involved in story-telling, colouring and counting. He is surely ready for school!
And here's a 1000 piece puzzle we worked with the children, the Golden-Gate Bridge. Patrick has especially got a lot of patience for working on puzzles. Bella wants to do things quickly and gets frustrated easily, and Kevin, well he only tries and gives up, if it doesn't fit. But we did it! :)
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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Couch Surfing

Hello! We've joined the Couch Surfing Project! You should look at the website instead of me trying to explain what it is....

Bella and I are going to be surfing in London in March:)

More Ball Photos

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School Ball


We went to the First Parents' Ball that we organised for the school.It was about three months' work, but it was worth it. Here's a few pictures, there's more at:
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House blessing and new jackets


Traditionally around Epiphany, homes are blessed. Some people ask the priest to come every year, some only do it once. For us, this was the first time since we moved in. Maybe it is appropriate to ask God's blessing on our home in the year when we plan on doing construction. The Father is the same whos mass we go to every Sunday. The school's pastor. We are happy to belong to this community. M
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